Sunday, November 23, 2014

Cocoa Lady's Gourmet Best Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Lady's Gourmet Cocoa Powder
The perfect gift for every occasion
4 oz. and 8 oz.
to purchase visit:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

MENU NOVEMBER 8-9th, 2014


* Sabala Patties (Vegetarian)  


* Sweet Potato Fries with Cheese (Vegan)       


* Beets and Carrot Salad


* Fruit Desert




 Tip of the Day:

Beets are rich in chemicals called nitrates, which the body converts to a gas that may help improve circulation in the blood vessels, additionally:

1. Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure in a matter of hours. One study found that drinking one glass of beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 4-5 points.3
The benefit likely comes from the naturally occurring nitrates in beets, which are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide, in turn, helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
2. Boost Your Stamina
If you need a boost to make it through your next workout, beet juice may again prove valuable. Those who drank beet juice prior to exercise were able to exercise for up to 16 percent longer.4 The benefit is thought to also be related to nitrates turning into nitric oxide, which may reduce the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise as well as enhance tolerance to high-intensity exercise.
3. Fight Inflammation
Beets are a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress. It's also known to help fight inflammation, protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely help prevent numerous chronic diseases.5 As reported by the World's Healthiest Foods:6
"[Betaine's]… presence in our diet has been associated with lower levels of several inflammatory markers, including C reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. As a group, the anti-inflammatory molecules found in beets may eventually be shown to provide cardiovascular benefits in large-scale human studies, as well as anti-inflammatory benefits for other body systems."
4. Anti-Cancer Properties
The powerful phytonutrients that give beets their deep crimson color may help to ward off cancer. Research has shown that beetroot extract reduced multi-organ tumor formations in various animal models when administered in drinking water, for instance, while beetroot extract is also being studied for use in treating human pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancers.7
5. Rich in Valuable Nutrients and Fiber
Beets are high in immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle function) and manganese (which is good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas). Beets also contain the B vitamin folate, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects.
6. Detoxification Support
The betalin pigments in beets support your body's Phase 2 detoxification process, which is when broken down toxins are bound to other molecules so they can be excreted from your body. Traditionally, beets are valued for their support in detoxification and helping to purify your blood and your liver.

Eat Your Beet Greens Too

If you simply throw away the green leafy tops to your beets, you're doing yourself a disservice, as these are among the healthiest part of the plant.

 Besides containing important nutrients like protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6,
 magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese, beet greens also supply significant
 amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron.



Friday, October 31, 2014




                   MENU OF THE WEEKEND November 1-2, 2014 

                                     FREE DELIVERY  (617 area) 

* Stuffed Green Peppers with Farro Grain, Vegetables, Cheese and Gravy.          


* Mixed Green Salad with home made French dressing


* Surprise Desert

   Tip of the Day

At this time most people know that there are health benefits to effect your body when  you add activity like walking. Now a new study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows how important it is to add a walking routine daily.  Smoking and being over weight or having high blood pressure is just as harmful as inactivity. That's right sitting on the couch to long is also another cause to ill health. So grab a partner, get off your butt and catch the fresh air that awaits you.    

To  order Call 516-408 2376





                                 CHILI CON CARNE'

*Black Beans ~ Ground Turkey 

  with plenty of  Vegetables

*Buttered Rolls 

*Surprise Desert

Tip of the Day

Beans serve the body by adding more fiber and contribute to 

daily protein 7 oz. for men, 6oz. women.

Fiber is a natural sweeper to help remove away toxins.


Do you take a multi vitamin? You might be one of the 1/3 of Americans who take a daily multivitamin, but there's little good clinical  evidence to support the claims made for multi's.  Despite the lack of the evidence supporting their use in the general population, the experts at the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter say there are some groups for whom a basic multi makes sense. Vegetarians or Vegans People who eat no animal products may not get enough vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc and Calcium.

People on prolonged Weight Loss Diets.

Older People in General: People over 65 may benefit from a multi because they tend to have a harder time absorbing certain nutrients and they are also more likely to be on medications that may block absorption of some nutrients.

Source: Inner Strength



Friday, October 10, 2014



MENU FOR THE WEEK END                                                       10/10-11, 2014 Saturday & Sunday


                                               *HOME STYLE POTATO  SALAD

                                                *Surprise Dessert! 

Order Today TEXT! Sister Re 516 408 2376


Daily recommendations for healthy protein intake is:                       



To identify this portion think of  a deck of cards. 

How many grams of protein are in 1 ounce of meat?

There are about 7 g of protein in 1 ounce of cooked meat. So, for example, 4 ounces of raw boneless skinless chicken breast yields about 3 ounces of cooked chicken, or 21 g of protein. Most healthy adults need about 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. To calculate pounds, divide your weight by 2.2 to convert to kilograms and multiply by 0.8 to find the protein grams recommended for your weight each day. For example, a 175-pound person would need about   64 g of protein each day.


To learn more regarding protein needs visit: 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

MENU FOR WEEK END OCTOBER 4-5, 2014 Saturday and Sunday

MENU FOR THE WEEK END                                        of 10/4-5, 2014

*Jamaican Curried Chicken                             *Rice                                                             *Collard Greens                                      *Surprise Dessert 

  Order line 516 408 2376                            

Healthy nutrition begins at home. Be sure to include a variety of colorful foods in the categories of: fresh vegetables-fruit, protein, carbohydrates and a splash of oil. Remember to fresh water and 30 minutes of exercise 1 or 2 times daily.

Afro Chi Sun Shu technique                                                                                        

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, FROM                

                      YOUR  HEAD TO YOUR FEET!

WEEK END OF September 26-28th MENU:

                Chicken Marinate/Gravy

               Rice Pilaf & 

               Candied Yams  

ORDER LINE 516 408 2376                                                                 Free delivery (617)


Healthy Tip for the week:

Daily requirements:

for protein in adult men is 7 ounces (all day)

Daily requirements:

for women is 6 ounces (all day).

Our portions are generous, keep in mind that there is also  

protein in many vegetables.

Please eat responsibly. Too much protein is know to overload 

and damage kidneys.

DETOX, DETOX, DETOX drink plenty of water daily.

Order early, Thursday is best for a PM delivery over the weekend. Be sure that you will be available to receive your order. Send a phone or text line to confirm your order. Coming soon, will be a link to pay in advance through this site. 


Sister Re

Friday, September 19, 2014


 It give pleasure to introduce my healthy eating menu.
As a personal service, information will be posted regarding
healthy eating options. The goal is to provide information
to help guide you through the week. 

This week's culinary selection is:
              Caribbean Spicy Chicken
               Bean and Rice
               Vegetable Medley- 
                Carrots & Cabbage

Portions are generous well beyond the 1 scoop=1 serving
due to many of you, being active through out the day. To naturally burn of excess calories before retiring, it is recommended to incorporate Afro Chi Sun Shu technique, to further support immunity. You are strongly encouraged to additionally support your wellness by drinking plenty of fresh
water to help flush out toxins and fat. Are You Breathing?
Until next time,
Sister Re
TO ORDER 516 408 2376